​​​(541) 936-9902, Voicemail

PO Box 27, Albany, Oregon 97321


1. I'm unable to attend the Annual Homeowner Meeting.  Are the meeting minutes available?
Meeting minutes will be posted on the
Meetings page as soon as they are available. Upon reasonable notice, copies may also be obtained from the Board.

1. I just purchased a new boat or RV. Where am I allowed to park it?
All boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, equipment, and campers must be parked off the streets in a garage or an area located behind a fence. 

2. I've lost my copy of the CC&Rs and I don't have a working printer.  Can someone please print a copy for me?
Copies may be obtained from the Board for a small copy fee.  Please send your request, including the best method to reach you, to the HOA by mail or email.  A member of the Board will contact you to make arrangements for the item(s) you need.

1. What does Architectural Approval mean?
This refers to additions and modifications to structures on the property. This includes, but is not limited to, dwellings, residences, outbuildings, fences, walls, buildings, pools, or other structures.

2. I want to repaint my house. Does this mean I need approval?
Yes. You will need to submit an Architectural Change Request form, along with any applicable information to the Board.

3. How long does the HOA have to respond to my request?
The HOA has 30 days from receipt of the plans to provide a response.  However, for minor modifications, the Board strives to provide a response within 48 hours.

4. I obtained approval, but I've had to put off my improvements.  How long is the approval good for?
Any approval work must be completed within six months.  After that point, a new approval will need to be obtained.

5. Do I need approval to install solar panels on my roof?
As per Oregon law, solar panels don't require HOA approval. However, you're required to use a licensed contractor to complete the installation.

1. Are pets allowed to run loose in the neighborhood?
The CC&Rs specifically prohibit allowing pets to run loose. "Article B, Section 2...Pet dogs shall be restrained to the owner's property and shall not be allowed to roam the development.  Dogs shall be under the control of the owner and attached to a lead when off the owner's property."

2. My neighbor’s dog barks in the middle of the night or hours at a time during the day.  Is this allowed?
The CC&Rs don't specifically regulate barking dogs, though this is a violation of Albany City Code.

CC&R Enforcement


Architectural Approval

1. How much are the Oak Creek Meadow HOA dues?
The annual dues assessment is $85 for the 2025 calendar year. Dues are billed once annually at the start of each calendar year. An invoice will be mailed.

2. What are the annual dues used for?
The dues are used to pay for maintenance of our common property including the grassy areas on 53rd between Elk Run and Falcon.  They also cover legal fees, bookkeeping and insurance.  Reserve funds are maintained in our bank accounts to cover unexpected expenses or services.

1. My neighbors are violating one or more of the CC&Rs, why hasn't the Board done anything?
Based on feedback from homeowners, the Board isn't policing the neighborhood but will address complaints received by homeowners.

2. How can I report a violation?
Please send a letter or completed Complaint Form to the HOA's PO Box or email address. A member of the Board will promptly review the issue.

3. What are the most frequent complaints that the Board receives?​
      - Inappropriately parked boats, trailers, RVs
      - Visible trash and yard debris cans
      - Unfinished or poorly maintained landscaping
      - Dogs running loose

4. I have already complained about a violation, but is there a faster way to resolve a violation?
Depending on the issue, if a CC&R is also a violation of Albany City Code then contacting the City Code Enforcement team may result in a quicker resolution.  Current contact information is available on their website.

HOA Board


About the Association


1. How much are Board members compensated?
Board members are volunteer positions that are not paid. However, current Board members aren't required to pay dues.

2. How can I become a member of the Board?
There can be up to four separate positions on the Board. These positions are up for election each year at the Annual Membership Meeting. These seats will be filled by a vote of all members present at the meeting. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Board.


1. What is the HOA?
The Homeowner's Association is a group of all property owners who became members by purchasing property legally tied to the association via their deeds and CC&Rs.

2.What is the primary purpose of the HOA?
To protect property values by providing a neighborhood that is both beautiful and safe. This is accomplished by enforcing adherence to the Bylaws and the CC&R’s (Governing Documents).

3. How many homes are in our HOA?
There are 130 homes.

4. Are all the homes in the neighborhood part of the Oak Creek Meadows HOA?  
No.  Spring Meadow HOA manages many properties. There are also a small number of properties that aren’t currently managed by any HOA. Those properties (Phase III) were originally supposed to join our Oak Creek Meadows, but the paperwork was never filed when the homes were completed. Due to the large cost (with no guaranteed outcome) of annexing those properties, the Board has decided not to pursue this.